News, Tips, Thoughts and Opinions on news

Yellowstone about to explode, supervolcano eruption in the making

Signs of an imminent super volcanic eruption have been observed at the Yellowstone National Park. Are you ready for the biggest bang in 2009...

Iran and Arab nations to wage war against Israel

Latest news has it that Iran and other Arab nations are seriously contemplating a plan to wage war against Israel, the scumbag of the world....

Magnapinna the Alien squid: Caught on video

The elusive Magnapinna, better known as the Alien squid has been captured on video by an oil company (Perdico) ROV in the Gulf of Mexico. Ma...

Michael Jackson converts to Islam?

Michael Jackson converts to Islam? What!? The Sun UK published a sensational story earlier today; it seems that 50-year old Michael Jackson...

Mysterious fireball lights up Edmonton night sky

Something strange happened up in the sky across Edmonton, Canada yesterday evening. Many Canadians have witnessed a mysterious fireball that...

Mario Kart: The best Nintendo game for the family

Do you know that Nintendo DS is one of the world’s most popular portable/mobile gaming consoles? Perhaps your kids have one at home but you ...

General Motors will go bankrupt in 2009

All your picture are belong to us CC American General Motors Corp., famous for their Chevrolets, Pontiacs, Buicks, GMCs, Saturns, Hummers, ...

Zulkifli Nordin: You’re the man!

Commenting on MalaysiaKini’s ‘ Zulkifli: We must strengthen Islam ’ So, Zulkifli Nordin, the Kulim Bandar Baru MP made another big fuss in P...

American economy collapsing?

I’m afraid so if we go by what had happened to Wall Street yesterday. I guess you all know what had happened right? Hell, I might as well hi...

Bad financial news on the eve of Hari Raya

I hate to break bad news and spoil your Hari Raya holiday plans but this is important. Something really bad happened to US stock markets (Do...

Kansas: Ghost caught wandering in a gym?

Kim Peterson, a Kansas gym owner saw something unexplainable in one of her gym’s surveillance videos. Take a look at the following news clip...

Why do Indians love to visit Singapore?

I found this news clip earlier today predicting that 24% of Indian travelers (Indians in India, not Malaysia. Don’t get confused) are likely...

Malaysia has the World’s worst taxis

Yes, I couldn’t agree more with The Expat survey result. It is true! Malaysia has the world’s worst taxi drivers and you don’t need expatria...

Despite ISA, Freedom of Hate Speech is still prevalent

I have to say that I am very surprised to see that the Freedom of Hate Speech is still prevalent in the Malaysian blogosphere even though a...

CERN responsible for earthquakes in Iran, Indonesia, Japan & Chile?

I noticed that we have earthquakes in Iran, Indonesia, Japan and Chile in the last 24 hours. Could CERN and their Large Hadron Collider have...

CERN: No black holes created so far

CERN fired their Large Hadron Collider (the most powerful atom-smasher ever and currently the world’s largest particle collider) yesterday ...

How safe is your Florida neighborhood?

Yes, that was the question posed by a weird site that I had just stumbled upon just now. Do you want to know why I said it is a weird site? ...

‘Immigrants’ seditious?

I noticed that certain parties in Malaysia seem to have big problems with the word ‘immigrants’ right now. Look, if they are so sensitive a...

Politicians should tweet

Thanks to TechCrunch, I got to know of a site that aggregates tweets discussing American politics at Twitter. govtweets is an easy of tracki...

Stupid Malaysian story that you don’t want to read

Would you like to read a stupid Malaysian news story that is all about those who got their clam diggers stuck inside a piece of nut and a st...