News, Tips, Thoughts and Opinions on politics

Online Survey: Do you trust Anwar Ibrahim?

We have been meaning to do this for quite a while now and somehow we feel that today is the best day to do this. We would like to hear your ...

P94 Hulu Selangor: Disturbing, shocking photos and videos of the Day (Pakatan Rakyat has gone crazy?!)

In the last few posts, we have given you some laughs with our fine selection of hilarious P94 Hulu Selangor political campaign banners. Toda...

P94 Hulu Selangor: Political Campaign Banner of the Day (Funny and relevant!)

As always, we spent the whole day today hopping from one blog to another, reading breaking news about our local political scene. As usual, w...

Anwar Ibrahim suffers from Split Personality Disorder (Dissociative Identity Disorder)?

That is the question playing in our minds after watching the following two videos. What is Split Personality Disorder? Is Anwar Ibrahim real...

P94 Hulu Selangor: Political Campaign Banner of the Day (Hilariously funny!)

P94 Hulu Selangor parliamentary by-election is just around the corner and to date we have seen many wonderful political campaign banners on ...

Perak looks ridiculous on Wikipedia

Do you know that the state of Perak to the eyes of the world looks ridiculous on Wikipedia? Silly screenshot included. Perak looks ridiculou...

Anwar Ibrahim at NewsCred

NewsCred is not only a worldwide news aggregator (better than MalaysiaKini) but it is also a very good place to see what news are causing ...

Global Political Message Board

I would like to throw a challenge to Malaysians who are nuts about current issues and politics. Please show your expertise and share your vi...

Social Bookmarking Site for Anwar Ibrahim!?

I’m afraid so, I found this out after doing some checking on my premium Alexa Web Information Service account earlier today. Yes, we have a ...

Anwar Ibrahim, medical report is not strong enough

Yes, I’m afraid that is what many people have been talking about today. Anwar Ibrahim simply got to have better evidence to clear his name! ...

IMF & World Bank ask Malaysia to drop Anwar’s case

Hmm… Anwar Ibrahim receives more and more support from foreign VIPs! The latest foreign VIPs to do so are former Canadian Prime Minister Pau...

Mahathir quits UMNO on Newstex

Well, it is the same old story, very much similar with those you have read in the local newspapers. Still, I thought you folks would be inte...

Mahathir worried about Iskandar Malaysia on AFP

Mahathir has deep concerns about the super mega project and I feel his concerns too. He has something valid but only the people of Johor can...

Najib denies link to Altantuya’s murder case on AFP

There you are, folks! I wonder what our oppositions and some famous Malaysian bloggers will do after Najib’s strong denial now. I have been ...

One thing Mahathir should not do on his blog

I would like to welcome Mahathir, our illustrious Ex-premier to the Malaysian blogosphere that is possibly monopolized by anti-Islam cum ant...

Stop bickering, said Abdullah Ahmad Badawi

I’m not his biggest fan but he is right this time. Malaysian politics really look stupid after the recent 2008 General Election. You folks c...

Parti Keadilan Rakyat and their impatient de-facto leader, Anwar Ibrahim

Folks, here is one interesting fact that you folks should think about. PAS and DAP have been around for ages, much longer than Parti Keadila...

Mahathir reminiscing his ‘love’ for Anwar Ibrahim on BBC Hardtalk

Oohhh… This is another priceless video, folks. Perhaps one day this would be another great Malaysian classic! I have to hand it to BBC Hardt...

I will be Prime Minister by 2011, said Anwar Ibrahim

Long time ago, Anwar Ibrahim kept telling and reminding people that he was a former Deputy Prime Minister. After the recent 2008 Malaysian E...

Mahathir defending NEP, racism and his past administration on BBC Hardtalk

The following video is priceless! It is one of those rare videos that captured Mahathir having a tough time to explain himself and his past ...