I just met a few Malaysian friends of mine and they were utterly furious with our Human Resources Minister, Datuk Seri Dr Fong Chan Onn. Their anger has something to do with the proposed draconian amendments to our Industrial Relations Bill tabled in Parliament on the 27th of August 2007. You can dig for more dirt on those ridiculous proposals over at MalaysiaKini and HarakahDaily. Congratulations Datuk Seri Dr Fong Chan Onn! Our Malaysian labors and workers have a new name for you nowadays. They have labeled you as the Traitor of Malaysian Labors!
Poor Malaysians would have to face the bloody fact that Barisan Nasional is about the filthy rich and extremely greedy Malaysian business community. They are only the minority but they are smart enough to fool the majority naive and gullible Malaysian majority into believing that Barisan Nasional is all about the people. Heck, they were so damn good at it that they had managed to fool everybody and rule this country for 50 damn years! :-(
Poor Malaysians would have to accept the awful fact that Barisan Nasional and our filthy rich and extremely greedy Malaysian business community are the new Pharaohs of the 20th century. You know what their so called great ancestors had done to Egypt. Do you still want them to continue devouring and plundering our nation in the near future? :-(

Note: To be fair, not all of our Malaysian business community is bad and nasty. We do have some good business entities out there that are compassionate. Some of them really do care towards the welfare of their employees. Unfortunately, their small number is not something to be proud of and worst of all, their number is declining fast!
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