Stop being a bloody racist…

I really think that issues of racism have gone way too far in Malaysia nowadays. :-(

Take a look at this one particular letter written by Jamiliah Kassim and published by MalaysiaKini earlier today.

For the good of everyone, I might as well quote her whole letter here today. She has written, quote:
As an ‘anak Melayu jati’, I would like to voice out a grievance on behalf of our whole Malay community. In recent years, we can see a lot of ‘non Malays’ appearing in Umno as leaders. By ancestry, these people are not pure Malays. They managed to change their identity by using Islam.

Clearly, there are loopholes in our laws that allow a person to change his race. This issue must be addressed properly as it affects us, the ‘anak Melayu jati’. We know well that these people are not sincere in that they can even disregard and disrespect their ancestors and join the Malay race.

Their motive is to enjoy privileges of the Malays. And Umno doesn't bother to do much on this. We are desperate regarding this policy of simply allowing people to change their race through conversion to Islam and even offering citizenship to Indonesians who are later made bumiputeras as well.

Where is the standing of the ‘anak Melayu jati’ or ‘bumiputera’? Tell us where on this earth can a person change his or her race through religion except in Malaysia? It is ridiculous.

We call upon the Malay rulers to rectify this situation. The word ‘bumiputera’ is a combination of ‘bumi’ and ‘putera’ which should be construed as the ‘anak cucu’ to this land. Bumiputeras should be defined as: ‘Anak anak Melayu yang nenek moyang telah bermastautin di bumi Tanah Melayu sebelum kemerdekaan, biarpun agama yang dianuti bukan Islam’.

The Malay community as a whole is looking forward to a clear definition so as to protect bumiputera special rights in the long run.”

I’m a Malaysian Malay (Melayu) but frankly, I really don’t give a damn about it. I really don’t care whether the Malays are genuinely Malays or not for I’m a Muslim which is better than being a Malay. Islam has also taught Muslims to be fair to all regardless of their race and skin color.

Jamiliah Kassim, I presume that you are a Muslim yourself too. Let me ask you something. Have you ever read the Noble Qur’an (Koran)?

Did the Noble Qur’an (Koran) ever instruct Muslims to be some kind of racists?

Did the Noble Qur’an (Koran) ever tell Muslims to be obsessed with issues of race and skin color?

The answer is NO! NEVER!

SubhanAllah… This is what you get from ignorant and blind people such as Jamiliah Kassim. They had been blinded from the Truth thinking that the godless and secular new world order which disguised itself under the cloak of democracy is the greatest revelation ever revealed to mankind. That is utterly bullshit! :-(

This video maybe offensive and inappropriate for some folks. Viewer discretion is advised

This video maybe offensive and inappropriate for some folks. Viewer discretion is advised

This video maybe offensive and inappropriate for some folks. Viewer discretion is advised
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Anonymous said...

not one of those videos were offensive, and i'm a christian..
we are all children of Abraham/Ibrahim..
God bless us all

Satria Asia said...

What on earth is an 'anak Melayu jati'? Is there such a creature? If there were 'anak Melayu jati' they would be the people we call Orang Asli -- the Original People; the true Bumiputras.

And I wonder what this person Jamilah has against Indonesians -- if she traces her own ancestry, it could possibly come from any of the Indonesian islands or if she is from the northern and eastern region of the peninsular, she'd probably have Thai/Indochinese ancestry.


Anonymous said...

Jamiliah is a blabber-mouth! Isn't her post tantamount to sedition, glazed all over with racial overtone? Yah...but it's OK for any bumi to do likewise, with no consequences. The ISA is apparently applicable selectively and at the pleasure of AMNO.

Anonymous said...

actually i think she raised a pertinent point esp to those of non-bumiputra community.

i mean, i am the 4th generation malaysian chinese and i am still considered a pendatang just because of my skin colour. whereas, a newly immigrant (legal or illegal) son or daughter if muslim will be considered a full pledged bumiputra, welcomed into this country with a red carpet and a spit into the face of the 'never will be bumiputras forever' minority community of this country.

soon, the newly migrants' children will then accuse the minorities of being pendatang and halau them back to wherever they come from.

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