Friday Special! The blind heart?

I would normally post this weekly segment in the wee Friday morning but I was caught up with my worldly affair and could not post this sooner. Well, it is better to be late than never as the saying goes.

As for today, let us learn about our hearts. The one we have deep inside in every one of us. What do we know about our hearts?

Let’s not look at the heart from the view of science. Let us look at the heart through the lens of Islam.

We have all heard of people saying, ‘You have a blind heart!’ What does it mean really especially in the context of Islam?

InsyAllah, the video that I have provided down below would answer all those questions for us. It is a very lengthy video; the whole running time is exactly 33 minutes and 49 seconds! Please bear with it for it has lots of important messages and reminders for all Muslims.

This video maybe offensive and inappropriate for some folks. Viewer discretion is advised

How I wish that every ‘mat saleh’ wannabe Malaysian Malays (Melayu) can see and hear the speech featured in this video. It would definitely knock some sense into them. :-)
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