MalaysiaKini is taking a very long break to celebrate Gong Xi Fa Cai and I suppose you folks out there who are not celebrating Gong Xi Fa Cai would take advantage of the long holidays to go back home ‘balik kampung’ or embark on a vacation somewhere with families and loved ones.
Great! We all need a good long break!
If you are reading this post today, you are probably had read sensational stories and commentaries published by MalaysiaKini, HarakahDaily and of course by our local bloggers. What a ride that was for us! The sensational (but stupid) Lingam Tape saga, BERSIH, HINDRAF and the Malaysian Bar Council’s ‘Walk of Justice’ were some of the major events that got Malaysians talking in the last few months.
We were lucky, folks! We were lucky because we have the opportunity to go online and read the real news. Believe me, there are those who are not so lucky simply because they cannot afford to read such news. One time ago I did mention that some folks living in kampungs seem to know a lot about current events but I was wrong. Only a handful of those living in rural and isolated areas knew anything about the outside world. ïŒ
Please take this opportunity to spread the real news to those concerned while you are celebrating Gong Xi Fa Cai and relaxing somewhere out of the big city. Election is just around the corner and this is probably the last chance for us to let them know the Truth about the state of our beloved country.
Enjoy your long holidays and please drive carefully. Think of your loved ones, folks. :-)
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