Malaysian Malay women, what is so great about being a ‘mat saleh’ anyway?

Alas, the day has come for a showdown. It is an imminent showdown between me and some of my Malaysian Malay women (wanita Melayu) readers who questioned my business in questioning their chosen path in life. :-) I have been expecting it for quiet some time to be honest.

The rest of you may not notice this at all. I can hardly blame you since I never did publish their heated comments here in my blog. It’s not because I’m scared to face them or anything, it is just that this blog is too new to do anything just yet. Let me build on the content first. Currently this blog is getting a minimum of 300 to 500 unique visitors on average per day and the number would peak on weekends. Not bad for a blog that is barely two months old! Rest assured; I will open the door to everybody once I had achieved the target of getting a minimum of 1,000 unique visitors per day. Wish me luck!

Now back to the imminent showdown that I was talking about earlier. Yeah, some of you were really mad at me, blowing curses here and there, aren’t you? You are saying that it is none of my business whatsoever to question your chosen lifestyles, fashions and trends. Maybe so…

I’m a Muslim and damn proud to be one. I’m a Malaysian Malay too just like you but with one little difference. Do you know that Malaysian Malays in general have this one little stinking attitude problem? It is their ‘tak apa’ (that’s okay) or ‘lantak pi la’ (let it be) attitude! Unlike most Malaysian Malays, I do not have that stupid attitude within me. :-( InsyAllah…

Malaysian Malays in general really amused me. Did it ever occur to the Malaysian Malays that their ‘tak apa’ or ‘lantak pi la’ attitude can actually spell disaster for them? For an example, they know that their Muslim brothers and sisters are doing something wrong but they just leave them be and said ‘tak apa’ or ‘lantak pi la’. This silly attitude has been practiced for generations now that it has become more like a trademark for the Malaysian Malays. Come on now; let us stop thinking as Malaysian Malays for one second. Who are we really then? We are Muslims! Born Muslims! As Muslims, we have the responsibility to help and remind each other, help and remind our fellow Muslim brothers and sisters. We can’t just sit tight and does nothing when we know that our Muslim brothers and sisters are doing something wrong, can we? Please go back and give it a really long thought!

As for those who criticized and condemned me to death, what is your obsession with that stupid ‘mat saleh’ (westerner) way of life is all about anyway? Come on now, you would not be criticizing and condemning me if you are not a ‘mat saleh’ wannabe Malaysian Malay. So tell me, what is so great about being a ‘mat saleh’? What do they have that Islam does not have?

You know something, a great Muslim scholar were once only given 5 minutes to debunk the ‘mat saleh’ (western civilization) so called greatness and yet he managed to do that in that given short time! You can see that in the following video.

This video may be offensive and inappropriate for some folks. Viewer discretion is advised

Now to all ignorant Malaysian Malay women, do you still want to be ‘mat salehs’ (westerners) or do you want to be Malaysian Malay Muslims?

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