The most popular p*rn website among Malaysians is…

I stumbled upon something quiet interesting over at Alexa Dot Org earlier today and thought that it might be okay if I share this with everyone of you out there.

I was curious to know what sort of news websites Malaysians are going for on the internet by mining such information over at Alexa but to my surprise I found something else that concerns me in way or two. It is hard to believe but it looks like Malaysians in general loves to visit p0rn sites. I have discovered that there is this one particular p0rn site (currently ranked at No 51) that is so popular among Malaysians that Alexa have included it in their Top 100 list of popular websites for Malaysians! I’m not kidding here, Alexa said so and if you are not happy with that then you would have to file a complaint to Alexa. Don’t say that I’m purposely creating a wild story here today.

Let’s not waste too much time talking about this sick topic. Just for the sake of knowing, the most popular p0rn website among Malaysians is Megarotic Dot Com!

To all Malaysian Malays (Melayu) who are working as some Information Technology managers or executives, network or system administrators in some government agencies or companies in the private sector, maybe you should seriously consider banning or blocking this p0rn website from being accessed by people in your organization. It is a small step towards protecting our Malaysian communities from God Knows what. Yeah, I know. Some of you may say that I’m nuts for saying that. :-) But you really have to ask yourself honestly, does p0rnography has anything good to offer to our Malaysian community in the first place?

Say NO to p0rns!

Edited on the 21st of February 2008:
I removed the link to Megar0tic, with extreme pleasure. I have a reason for doing that for I do not wish to be known as somebody who promotes p0rn sites on this blog. I hate p0rns!
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malaysia said...

couldn't you change also your erotic adds?

SAS, second great-grandson of Kulup Lembang said...

Thanks for pointing it out, Usen.

I could not control what kind of ads affiliate programs show on my page but I sure can cancel my registration. Will do that soon.

Ripalo Cal said...

hmmm....was just thinking...just thinking only. Theres a point in watching porn?

1)Lets just say that theres no porn, men or women who have urges may do something more "public" then "personal".

2) But then again, i cannot say tat rape cases aren't because of porn.

So lets just say that with or without porn, the world would still likely be balanced.

My opinion only, hope that it doesn't offend anyone. I apologize if i offended anyone.

Oh btw, try nuffnang ads. I heard they are better...happy blogging.

aisforapplebisformonkey said...

I don't see the problem with porn, my girlfriend was watching it way before I knew her and it hasn't harmed either of us.

Anonymous said...

Porn...hmmm...not only men watch porn daily, women too ogle at them...

Am said...

Just came across this page and wow, the topic is a DANG!!!

It is nothin much to blame the porn websites for all the things, negative things specifically, that happened in Malaysia.

It is actually because of our people's mentality though. Always love to explore new things that finally lead to the destruction of themselves. Watched porn + did it PRACTICALLY = destruction!!!

Ripalo Cal said...

they do say...curiosity kills the cat.

and you do know that the current internet is filled with 85% porn and the highest selling products on the internet are related to sex/porn right?

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