You know, talking about this subject brings me back to the time when I once worked in an international company somewhere in Damansara Utama (Petaling Jaya). The company was (no longer in business) small really but our work force was incredibly huge. Majority of the employees are of course Malaysian Malay women (wanita Melayu). Some of them were married women and let me tell you something about them. Is it just them or is it normal for married Malaysian Malay women to discuss and talk about their husbands or problems in their marriages among each other? I was a supervisory staff then, you can say that I was quite alert and observant in the office. I overheard a lot of things, things that would not be nice for me to share with my readers here. So, let’s not talk about that. Suffice to say that those groups of married Malaysian Malay women that happen to be my subordinates and colleagues gave me the impression that marriage is a living hell! You would too if you have heard what they were talking and discussing about their marital problems then.
What about you out there? Are you happy with your marriage? I mean really… really happy… Well?
It would be hard to say isn’t it? After all, there is no yardstick where we can use to measure or weigh happiness. I’m just an internet marketer, not a marriage or a relationship counselor. So, I can’t really help you on such matter. Phew!!!
However, I did stumble upon a very good video quite related with the subject in hand yesterday. It is actually meant for men but women can learn a lot from it too. I really mean that. The video lecture outlined not 1, not 2, not even 3… but 60 ways for married men to keep their marriages alive. Yes, 60 ways for married men to keep their wives by their sides. Excellent video! Err… Take note that the video is very lengthy. Its total running time is 53 minutes and 41 seconds!
So Malaysian Malay women, if you are not happy with your husbands, please ask them to view the video down below. Better still, watch it together so that both of you can later discuss and talk about your problems.
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