Bloggers are criminals

Oh dear! Some people have the opinion that bloggers are criminals that must be put to sleep at all costs.

Take a look at the following graph provided by Swivel, looks like more and more bloggers have been arrested each year!

Swivel, WIA, University of Washington, Blogging, Bloggers

If the above graph doesn’t scare you, doesn't make you piss in your own boxer shorts and panties, take a look at the following thoughts made by the World Information Access project team at the University of Washington!
After surveying our data, we predict that the number of blogger arrests will rise in 2008. The popularity of online blogs continues to grow and inspire more media coverage of arrest incidents. Countries are enforcing greater Internet regulation, which will only increase with the elections in China, Pakistan, and Iran this year. Assuming a pattern similar to Egypt’s occurs, the number of political blogger arrests has nowhere to go but up. With already four incidents in January and February, we expect the number of arrests in 2008 will exceed that of 2007.

To those using blogs to bang Islam, Muslims and Malays in Malaysia, how do you feel now?

Edited on August 18th 2008 5:25 AM:

It looks like some Turkish bloggers have grown sick and tired of being treated like criminals and now they are fighting back. TechCrunch and TheNextWeb Dot Org have more on this story.

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  1. Bloggers Arrest Is On Rise
  2. Blogger Arrests
  3. Blogging Is Not A Crime
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