ProTexters Dot Com! Grab every opportunity with SMS messages!


I got something wonderful for website owners, developers and publishers today!

I just found a great new service that might just revolutionize the way website owners, publishers and developers interact with their website visitors in the near future. Please check out ProTexters Dot Com ( The site and its wonderful service is provided to you by Mercia Networks and they have been providing the world with high quality internet solutions ever since 2001.

Let me give you folks a brief description of ProTexters great service. ProTexters allows website owners, publishers and developers to create and integrate Texters (SMS messages) with their websites. Whenever their website visitors access any web pages, SMS messages would be sent (depending on how you program the system) to website owners, publishers and developers! That’s what I call an instant notification or alert!

If you need more information, their official Press Release that I have provided for you folks down below should be helpful:
“The ProTexters service sends automatic text messages to your phone from your web page. You can control the circumstances when the messages are sent, as well as what information is included. The messages can contain selected items of text from a form input that a user has entered.

This has huge benefits for commercial web sites. For example the web site owner can be informed immediately of new orders, giving more time to process the order, and procure any supplies needed to complete the order.

The service also holds significant benefits for customer relations. A business is far more likely to win a sale if an enquiry can be followed up immediately, while the potential customer is still freshly interested, perhaps even still looking at the site.

Messages can also be sent whenever certain pages are visited, giving benefits to monitoring and security.

Controls are in place to limit the number of messages sent and the circumstances when messages are sent. For example the sending of a message can be skipped if the visitor has opted not to enter a particular field, such as his/her phone number.

After registration the 'Texters' can be created and managed. These are then installed on the host web site by the inclusion of a single line of HTML in the section. The service therefore does not modify the look of the page in any way, and is easily installed. Once installed in this way, the various settings for the Texter can be managed from the ProTexters site. Multiple Texters can be installed on the same site, and even on the same page.

Registration is free, and the only costs are for the actual messages sent. These cost around $0.25 each, depending on the number purchased.

The service is worldwide, and works with most phone service providers.

ProTexters is provided by Mercia Networks, a well established UK company, who specialize in functional business web sites.”

This service is simply out of this world! You folks out there better check this out as soon as possible!

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