This would be a short post, a follow up on my previous post titled ‘The Lingam Tape: PAS & PKR Youth Wings insist on the establishment of a Royal Commission?’.
As promised, I would share with you readers the names that had been mentioned by my NGO colleagues and some members of our political opposition parties. Names that they think would best head the much demanded establishment of a Royal Commission to investigate allegations that had surfaced after the Lingam Tape video expose.
Before I do that, let me emphasize that the mentioned names do not necessarily mean that they are official opinions of our NGOs and political opposition parties. It is rather a collection of individual opinions made by people who participated in Malaysian Bar Council’s ‘Walk of Justice’ recently. Consider it as mere street talks for the time being.
Okay now. I had heard lots of names mentioned really but majority of them gave their thumbs up for these two well known Royal personalities:
- DYMM Paduka Seri Sultan Perak Darul Ridzuan Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah
- DYTM Raja Muda Perak Darul Ridzuan Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah
I’m sure that some of you readers out there are not really surprised with the names disclosed earlier. :-)
Yes, rightly so. Many Malaysians had placed enormous amount of hope on both of them lately. If you are fond of Raja Petra Kamarudin’s Malaysia Today blog, you would know that those folks over there had cried out for the intervention of both Royalties on various national issues and concerns almost on daily basis. :-)
Personally, I do agree with the opinions brought forward by my NGO colleagues and members of our political opposition parties. Just take a look at their credentials!
DYMM Paduka Seri Sultan Perak Darul Ridzuan Sultan Azlan Muhibbuddin Shah“His Royal Highness early education was at Government English School, Batu Gajah now known as Sultan Yussuf School Batu Gajah. He continued his higher education at the prestigious Malay College, Kuala Kangsar. He went to read law at the University of Nottingham where he was conferred the degree of Bachelor of Laws in 1953 and was admitted to the English Bar by the Honorable Society of Lincoln's Inn on 23rd November 1954.
On His return from the United Kingdom, he first served as the Assistant State Secretary of Perak. Thereafter, he joined the Judicial and Legal Service of the Federation of Malaya where he served as First Class Magistrate and as President of the Sessions Court respectively. Subsequently His Royal Highness was appointed to the following offices; as Federal Counsel and Deputy Public Prosecutor, Legal Adviser of the State of Pahang and later of Johore, as Registrar of the High Court of Malaya was and as Chief Registrar of the Federal Court of Malaysia.
In 1965, at the age of only thirty-seven years, His Royal Highness was elevated to the Bench of the High Court of Malaya being the youngest judge to be appointed in the Commonwealth. In 1973, His Royal Highness was made a Federal Court Judge and six years later in 1979, His Royal
Highness was appointed the Chief Justice of the High Court of Malaya, an office which He held until His appointment as the Lord President (now Chief Justice) of the Federal Court of Malaysia on 12 November 1982.
His Royal Highness was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Literature by University of Malaya on June 30th 1979 and an Honorary Doctorate of Law by University Science of Malaysia on June 28th 1980. His Royal Highness outstanding achievements are also recognized by foreign universities; the University of Nottingham conferred on His Royal Highness an Honorary Doctorate of Law on July, 11th 1986 followed by Lincoln's Inn, London which awarded His Royal Highness "Honorary Bencher" in 1988. His Royal Highness was also awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Law by University Gadja Mada, Jogjakarta Indonesia on September 28th 1990, University of Brunei Darussalam on October 30th 1990 and University Chulalongkorn, Bangkok, Thailand on December 19th. 1990. On October 2nd 1991 His Royal Highness awarded an Honorary Fellowship of Royal College of Physician of Ireland, the Fellowship of Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, the Honorary Fellowship of The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and also the Honorary Fellowship of The Royal College of Surgeons of England in 1999.”
DYTM Raja Muda Perak Darul Ridzuan Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah“Raja Nazrin Shah holds a B.A. (Hons) degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Oxford University, a Master in Public Administration from the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University and a Ph.D. in Political Economy and Government from Harvard University.
His research interests are in the area of economic and political development in southeast and northeast Asia, historical national income accounting and economic growth in developing countries. He has written articles and spoken on a wide range of issues including the role of constitutional monarchy in Malaysia, education, Islam, ethnic relations and economic development. He is currently working on a book on the economic history of Malaysia in the twentieth century.
On 1 April 2004 His Royal Highness was commissioned as Brigadier General in the Malaysian Armed Forces and holds the position of Group Commander in the Royal Engineer Regiment (Rejimen Askar Jurutera DiRaja).
Raja Nazrin Shah was conferred an honorary degree of Master of Business Administration by the Cranfield Institute of Technology, United Kingdom (1993), an honorary degree of Doctor of Economics by Soka University, Japan (1999) and an honorary membership of Magdalene College, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom (July 2005).”
In a report published by MalaysiaKini yesterday, both PAS and PKR Youth Wings called upon ordinary Malaysians to press our government to set up a Royal Commission. Yes, we need to have a Royal Commission to look into the Lingam Tape saga further. I’m sure that Malaysians would not hesitate to help out.
Can somebody from our political opposition parties set up an online public petition of some kind to register and rally support for the establishment of the much demanded Royal Commission?
While I’m at it, why don’t you folks create two public petitions, one where the Malaysian public can register their support by putting down their signatures on the ground and the other one through the internet?
Please don’t simply yell and scream for support. Give Malaysians the avenues to support you instead.
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