The Social Networking Site is known as Consumer Dot Com Dot My. You can consider it as a free one-stop public service website for Malaysian consumers. It was established in 2004 with the ambition of providing Malaysian consumers the opportunity to freely express their personal shopping and purchasing experiences on the internet. Malaysian consumers may also invite the party that they are not happy with to provide some kind of explanation on the complaints that they have. Thus, Consumer Dot Com Dot My provides both parties with a great grievance solving platform.
More on their services and features for Malaysian consumers; quote:
“1) Vent your Frustration to the BusinessTo all Malaysian Malay women (wanita Melayu) out there, this is your sole opportunity to highlight your shopping, purchasing or service nightmares and share them with the rest of our Malaysian consumers. Maybe you have bought some garments or wardrobes in the past but they somehow malfunctioned, like what had happened to naughty Janet Jackson (champion of feminism… :-P) a few years back. Why should you keep that awful experience all to yourself? Share it with the world and maybe some folks can help you wallop and bash some of our greedy good for nothing Malaysian traders. Who knows, maybe they would reimburse your losses with something. Worth trying out, folks!
Consumer can post their Complaint Message and available for Public View automatically. Everyone has the chance to read and search it. The complaints are indexed by Google, Yahoo and MSN and other search engines too.
2) Reward the Business who are treating you well
Consumer can post their Compliment Message and available for Public View automatically. Everyone has the chance to read and search it. The compliments are indexed by Google, Yahoo and MSN and other search engines too.
3) Communicate with Business Online
Consumers may forward their complaints/compliments to business when the consumer provides the business e-mail address. The Business may choose to communicate with the Consumer online or personally. While web surfer and Consumer.Com.My as a Mediator, the 3rd Party.
4) Read real past experience of other consumer and to alert yourselves
All the Complaints and Compliments are kept in our database as archive.
Everyone can search and read real past experience here. It gives important product & service information, helping you make better-informed purchase decisions”
Hey! Wait a minute… My kain sarong (tubular cloth) with a stupid Putrajaya Boleh brand name tore apart last Sunday. Maybe I should highlight that at Consumer Dot Com Dot My. Yeah… yeah…
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