The videos that would tremble the hearts of every Malaysian Malays!

To all my RSS feed readers out there, let us play a little guessing game today. :-) Yeah, this is another one of those annoying games that I love to play with you guys. But hey, we all had fun, didn’t we? Okay now, what do you think this whole subject is all about? What sort of videos that would make Malaysian Malays (Melayu) doesn’t matter whether they are men or women (wanita Melayu) piss their pants and tremble with fear?

All right now, we all had fun on this blog of mine but today I’m dishing out something different. A reminder for all Malaysian Malays and that includes me. A reminder to remind ourselves about who we are and what we are on the face of this frail little planet we all called Earth. The Malaysian Malays are a forgetful lot. Even our former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir acknowledged that fact. Give Malaysian Malays a little ‘pangkat’ (position of power) or fame & fortune (winning Akademi Fantasia for an example) and they would soon think that they own and rule the whole world! Yeah, it is pathetic!

To all Malaysian Malays out there who are reading this today, I hope that the videos that I have provided down below would knock some sense into everyone. The world would not be around forever and we should not continue living as if the world is the only place for us. We have a bigger mission yet to be accomplished. Are we even ready for that mission that is far tougher (no words can describe it!) than what we normally encounter in the world today?

Viewer discretion advised!

Viewer discretion advised!
I don’t know whether this post can be described as a message of love or peace, I will leave that to my readers. However, if you feel that this posting might benefit your friends, colleagues and loved ones, feel free to share this with them. I do appreciate it if you can somehow spread this message across the web and share this with someone else by emailing this post to whoever you like. There is an icon located at the foot of every posting that would let you send any blog postings via email. Instructions on how to do this can be found down below. Thank you, brothers and sisters. Peace!

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Satria Asia said...

What are these people supposed to be seeing?

Satria Asia said...

I can't see what they are supposed to be seeing.

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