Think twice before uploading any photos on Social Networking sites!

In the last few years, I noticed that the number of Malay Malaysian ladies using Social Networking sites has grown considerably. This can be seen in sites such as MySpace and Friendster. Just to prove my case, make a simple search for women originating from Malaysia from those two sites. You can see for yourself that the results would list thousands of Malay Malaysian women. As matter of fact, Malay Malaysian women may outnumber other ethnic Malaysian women by 100:1!

I am not questioning anything in any way. They have the right to socialize and make friends with whoever they like. I only wish to share something that most of the Malay Malaysian ladies especially those that are young and naïve may not realize what they are getting themselves into by playing around with Social Networking sites. Mature and professional women might learn a thing or two here today as well.

Malay Malaysian women that are members of any Social Networking sites must first understand that such sites are not only attracting those who are seeking friendship or networking. Their exact number remains a mystery but you can bet that some of them are sick people, those that you would normally categorized as perverts and scumbags (I love those words). Malay Malaysian women in Social Networking sites in a sense did not really realize that they are being silently targeted by certain sick and irresponsible parties. Curious, please keep on reading.

Every Social Networking sites give their members the option to upload photos or pictures to their account profiles. Most Social Networking site members apparently took that opportunity to create incredible online galleries of hundreds of personal photos or pictures. Malay Malaysian women jumped into the bandwagon too! Some Malay Malaysian women do understand that any photos or pictures that they uploaded can be downloaded by anybody anywhere in the world and they practice caution in their uploading. Many however are oblivious to the risks and dangers; blatantly upload all sorts of photos much to the delight of perverts and scumbags.

In the US and UK, this problem is all too common now. Many women there are taken by surprise upon seeing and knowing that their personal photos or pictures are being used unethically without their given consents. The worst case that could happen is seeing their pictures or photos superimposed and later distributed openly in the internet as pornographic materials! Over in Malaysia, this sort of nonsense has happened before and it could happen to anybody if they are not careful.

I strongly advise Malay Malaysian women to monitor certain sick Malaysian websites from time to time. I know that you probably could not stomach in seeing what they have in store for their visitors (mostly males of course) but this is the only way for you to understand the weightiness of this issue in the first place. I do know that there is one Malaysian blog that is very popular among Malaysian males for it dishes out steamy photos and stories on Malaysian women, especially Malays. I really don’t know how they got all those steamy photos and pictures in the first place but some Malaysians have proudly declared in various local online chat rooms and forums that some of those photos and pictures are actually contributed by third parties after downloading them from Social Networking sites!

Take a look at MyKakis Dot Net (you may find links to other sick websites here too) at least once a week and make sure that you or your friends and relatives are not featured on this sick blog! Should you find that somebody you knew very well is featured for the wrong and unethical reason on this blog, please let them know as soon as possible. If it’s proven that your photos or pictures are being used without your given consent, take a screenshot of the blog featuring your photos or pictures real quick and file a police report on the double! Please do not expect others to do it for you.

If you all this while purposely uploads revealing personal photos and pictures to get cheap publicities or thrills online, please don’t bother to read the following tips. For those who are concerned and don’t want to get into any unnecessary controversies and quandary, the following tips may come in handy:

  • Never uploads revealing photos or pictures online.
  • Always make a habit of uploading group photos rather than individual photos. Ask permission from any one else in the picture before their image is posted online.
  • If you really have no other choice but to upload individual photos and pictures online, please make sure that they are low resolution images as they are harder to modify. Never uploads high resolution or crystal clear photos and pictures of yourself online!
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