What if our Malaysian media is controlled by the Jews?


Ever since MalaysiaKini published that article on our Information Minister, Dato’ Seri Zainuddin Maidin last Friday October 12th, Malaysians have been poking fun at the Minister lately. :-)

While you folks are doing that, maybe we should consider another scary scenario. It is a scenario that is so scary that we should strive to not let it happen here in Malaysia at all. If it does, we might as well kiss goodbye to our peace and harmony forever.

I’m talking about what the Jews have done to the world’s media especially those in the United States of America. The Jews have basically monopolized and controlled the world’s media to a certain extent that now they are able to program the minds of the common people and turn them into mindless robots.

We should always be on the lookout for any signs that might indicate that the Jews are planning to interfere, take over and control our Malaysian media. When that happens, we really have to fight them.

On second thought, have the Jews silently and secretly assert their influence and power over our Malaysian media?

Hmm… Do you have any thoughts on the subject, folks?

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This video maybe offensive and inappropriate from some folks. Viewer discretion is advised

This video maybe offensive and inappropriate from some folks. Viewer discretion is advised

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Anonymous said...

More Jew bashing.

Anonymous said...

Firstly its very good to see a Malay blogging in English, and secondly having an open debate about a topic which might be sensitive to Muslims, in which you are a Muslim (I presume). Its great to see more Malaysians being more open minded and knowledgeable about issues which our country ignores and continues to treat its citizens as children who cant care for themselves. So its good that you're stepping up the consciousness level among Malaysians, and also for your Malay and muslim heritage.

On to the topic, on an imaginative but possible scenario like this, firstly, no one particular group should monopolise the media. Indeed the media especially those which have a global outreach need to be trustworthy and non-biased.

From that platform, it does not matter which group controls, no one should, thus your concerns should not be entirely focused on the Jews only.

Secondly, the reason behind why you might want to ponder on such a quetion relating to the Jews, and the the dislike against them, is one of many Jew-Muslim topics which is more racially looked at rather than from a religious viewpoint.

I remember seeing a documentary of when the Islamic civilisation at its peak, was at its holiest and truest to its principles, with protection and dignity to Jews. When I saw it, I concluded that the Islam then is no longer the Islam it used to, and how can muslims seek to change wrongly indoctrinated mindsets which do not follow Islamic teachings at all.

If you remembered T Dr Mahathir's speach during the OIC meeting before his retirement that Jews are controlling the world by proxy. Remember? Well, did you know that his subsrciption to that idea was based on old anti-semitic ideas against the Jews originating from the a book written by an unknown author, called the protocols of the elders of zion.

It is a book which was written during the early 20th century. Among its contents were anti-semitic hoaxes on how Jews are evil and that they sought to destroy Christianity in Europe and control the world. This book took advantage of misguided hatred towards Jews by Christians (because the Jews caused Jesus' death).

This idea was then taken by Adolf Hitler and influenced his infamous book Mein Kampf, which then we all know caused the massive killings of innocent jews and other people.

Now, 50 plus years later, Mahathir who perhaps did not know where this protocols book came from, or that it was a hoax, and simply thought that Muslims around the wolrd are guilible enough to believe anything to support their hatred towards the Jews for taking over Arab land in Palestine. And fell in hook line and sinker they did.

And poor old Malaysians, what did we do? Follow the crowd and our leader, agreeing the same thing, like sheep following the master. Its not our fault, seriously, who can blame us when the government has controlled our lives, and banned so much material that may be sensitive. As a result we are left with a closed mind, without room to explore what is true what is not.

Now. Can you see the link? Where all this anti jewish thing among the Muslims partly came from? You would now want to concur that how fools we were for falling for such a ploy. Of course the Muslim hatred towards Jews also comes from the current Jewish settlement in Israel. But truly, if you want to say this is an attack Islam, I think it is more of an attack on the Arabs, which has less to do with other people around the world.

The Palestinian Arabs have every right to be there as much as the Jews, I am hopeful that a shared dual state can be achieved somehow.
But this is a totally expansive topic altogether to talk about.

I hope this comment gives you food for thought on your views on Jews and perhaps opening out eyes and minds, in earnest search for the truth, and to hold the balance of kindness, justice and humanity in the world.

I bet you didnt get to learn this in Universiti or Sekolah Menengah did you? haha!!!

gangeticus said...
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Anonymous said...

its not a matter of the jews controlling media - the simple fact that the media can be controlled itself is enough reason for concern.

SAS, second great-grandson of Kulup Lembang said...

To the Anonymous who left a very long comment on this particular post, please visit the link that I'm providing here for some more education on the Jews.

It is obvious that you need it. :-)

gangeticus said...
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SAS, second great-grandson of Kulup Lembang said...

Dear Gangeticus...

Thank you for visiting. :-)

Please do not jump into any conclusion. This is not about racism. This is about the unacceptable attitude of one particular race, the Jews. Nothing more than that.

Don't try to bring Hinduism, Christianity and Buddhism into this picture. This is not about them. We have been living peacefully thus far and we should be thankful for that.

I am merely sharing my concerns with my readers after my American friends shared their grievances and concerns about the Jews with me recently.

I would suggest that you go and read what I have provided and then seek more information on the Jews from some other people first.

If you do not know who and what they are in the first place, please do not flex your muscles unnecessarily. :-)

Knowledge is power and ignorance is a bliss to those in the know.

Peter @ Enviroman said...

"Hmm… Do you have any thoughts on the subject, folks?"

Yes I do. I think you are being racialist for in every race, there are all kinds. One can't lump them all into one. What if I lump you with the Muslim Malays of UMNO?

Peter a.k.a. enviroman
Enviroman Says
(floods in England, polar ice and ice caps at moutain peaks melting, I think more severe and frequent hurricanes in US, rain when it is supposed to be a dry season in my country, someone from Queensland recently contacted me if I noticed the weather changing. I replied when I was young I had to sleep under the blanket, but now I sleep topless. If I remembered, he said it is freezing in tropical Queensland and now he has to sleep under a blanket. Please folks, take good care of our one and only Spaceship Earth which have no lifeboat. It may not affect us severely now, but it has every chance of severely affecting our future generations. Then they will have lots to be "thankful to us)

SAS, second great-grandson of Kulup Lembang said...

Hey Peter!

Don't call me a bloody racist when everyone of you Malaysians out there are the real racists!

Malaysian Chinese Association la.. Malaysian Indian Congress la.. United Malay National Organization la..

What's the difference? Everyone is a racist!


SAS, second great-grandson of Kulup Lembang said...

By the way Peter,

I don't align myself with UMNO. I align myself with a Muslim NGO. Our solidarity is based upon brotherhood. We have many other Muslims in our organization. Apart from Malay Muslims, we also have Chinese Muslims, Indian Muslims and some non-Malaysian Muslims as well.

Racism is not our thing. Racism is stupid, a toy for ignorant and arrogant folks. I sincerely hope that you yourself is not a racist.

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