Malaysian petrol RM2.70 per litre!? 10 survival & money saving tips for Malaysians

The following tips are not sensational news that matters to supreme entities such as MalaysiaKini and Malaysia Today but these are certainly recommendations that can help a lot of Malaysians who were caught with their pants and blouses down in the recent fuel hike.

On the road
  • If you love your car and have no other choice but to drive your fancy car to work, it is time to seriously consider carpooling. Carpooling will shave your normal expenditures almost half!
  • If you are a sane and smart Malaysian, stop using to your car to go to work and start relying upon public transportations. You have to adjust your usual daily schedule if you want to do this. Waking up and waiting for trains and buses at the wee hours of the morning is just one of the new routines that you have to get used to.
  • If you love your car but can no longer afford to drive your car to work everyday and at the same time don’t want to see people leering at your gorgeous assets (Malaysians favorite past time while commuting on public transportations) while standing in trains or buses, you can always cut your daily expenditures by using a motorcycle or scooter to go to work. It is fast, zippy and super convenient but quite dangerous especially if we are talking about Malaysian roads. Please be careful if you are taking this option.
  • If you are sick and tired of your car and beginning to see it as a machine able to suck huge amount of money from you, just get rid of it and sell it off. It is quite hard to do for some proud Malaysians but you will feel great after some time. Owning cars is a big burden nowadays and the ugly truth is that many Malaysians bought them even though they cannot really afford it. ‘Biar papa, asal bergaya’ as the Malays used to say. Isn’t that stupid?

Telephony & Internet-At home
  • If you are paying hefty bills for your telephone, it is time to start cutting down on making unnecessary phone calls to your boyfriends, girlfriends, casanovas, sugar daddies or mistresses. Go for prepaid landline services or better still, just terminate your landline and stick with your mobile phone services.
  • If you have a paid internet access (streamyx or whatever) at home and waste a lot of time doing things such as reading Malaysian political nonsense but you are not using it to make some money online; you might as well terminate your account today. You can use that extra money someplace else that is more important.

Entertainment, Electricity & Water-At home
  • If you are paying big amount of money for Astro, it is time to reconsider your silly appetite for home entertainment. Let me tell you a secret. You won’t die if you do not have entertainment at home! But you can save a little bit of money without it. Astro is just a nice-to-have luxury that you can
  • If you are paying hefty bills for your electricity, it is time to replace your wattage-wasting electrical appliances with something that can save a lot of wattage. You can start with your fancy chandeliers for an example, just remove them.
  • Daily home chores such as ironing and machine-washing that waste a lot of wattage or water should be done at off peak hours. Don’t do ironing or machine-washing when everybody at home is wide awake.

At your favorite mamak restaurants
  • Just stop going there during lunch hours. It is time to learn to pack your lunch at home before going to work. Believe me; you will save lots of money by doing so.

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