Scrubs are actually medical uniforms. Those very shirts, trousers or gowns worn by surgeons, nurses, and other operating room personnel all over the world are known as scrubs. I’m sure you have seen them before and most of the time they come in dull green color provided by medical institutions themselves.
That was then; today I found out that we actually have a lot of brands carrying stylish scrubs in the online world after stumbling upon ScrubsAndBeyond Dot Com. Let’s take a look these three brands; Dickies Scrubs, Cherokee medical scrubs and Barco metro scrubs.
Dickies scrubs

Cherokee medical scrubs

Barco metro scrubs

Cool looking scrubs, aren’t they? I would love to see Malaysian medical personnel wearing them one day. :-)
By the way, I might as well mention here today Katherine Heigl recently launched a brand new line of scrubs and it is available only at ScrubsAndBeyond Dot Com. I read somewhere that Katherine Heigl’s creations are hot in the United States at the moment. Check it out from the links that I have provided earlier.
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