Social Issues: Don’t let this happen to our teenagers

A murder case in Fort Lauderdale, Florida revealed something very disturbing about American teenagers today and I hope that you folks out there will do everything you can to prevent it from happening in your respective country and community.

My thoughts on this Social Issue

I’m not surprised to hear it. Humanity has gone to the dogs long time ago and what you have witnessed just now is only the tip of the iceberg. It will get worst in the next few decades unless humanity do something about it today.

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the World; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions.

Zina, without a doubt, is a major sin. Allah Says (interpretation of meaning): {And come not near to the unlawful sexual intercourse. Verily, it is a Fâhishah [i.e. anything that transgresses its limits (a great sin)], and an evil way (that leads one to Hell unless Allah forgives him).}[17:32].

Thus, one who commits such a sin must repent faithfully. A sincere repentance must be accompanied with regret, seeking forgiveness from Allah and genuine resolution to stop doing such a bad deed again.

In the same vein, one has to do more and more good deeds such as reciting the Qur'an, remembering Allah, charity, etc.

Allah Says (interpretation of meaning): {…nor commit illegal sexual intercourse and whoever does this shall receive the punishment. The torment will be doubled to him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide therein in disgrace; except those who repent and believe (in Islamic Monotheism), and do righteous deeds, for those, Allah will change their sins into good deeds, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.}[25:68-70].

Also, we advise you to follow the Prophetic advice: "O young people! He who from among you can afford marriage, should marry, since marriage will help him lower his gaze and keep his chastity. But, he who can not do that is advised to observe fasting; as fasting will be a shelter (for him against misdeeds)".

So, if you can afford to marry, you have to marry. Marriage is a good deed and you will be rewarded for it instead of committing what is forbidden and for which you will be punished. But, if you can not marry, we advise you to spend your time in doing good actions, taking good friends, visiting righteous people and so on.

In addition, we remind you of the Prophetic Hadith, "He who abstains from doing bad deeds and indecent things, Allah will keep him safe (from such actions)". [Reported by Imam Bukhari]

Allah Says (interpretation of meaning): {And let those who find not the financial means for marriage keep themselves chaste, until Allah enriches them of His Bounty. …}[24:33].

Source: Fatwa issued on the 27th of January 2002 by IslamWeb Dot Net
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